You are very welcomed to join us!

So, how does that work?

Simple, there are two options to you:

i) You can become a SUPPORTER - that's the easiest entry level where you can benefit from the work of our community without the commitment of being an active contributor.

ii) You can become a MEMBER - that involves participating on our periodic meetings and being involved in the life of the association.

Regardless of whether you want to become Supporter, Member - or just join one of our sessions as a guest to get a sense of who we are and how we operate - the best way to make that happen is to contact us by email: .


At LAN we pride ourselves on openness and sharing, as a result some of our members were kind enough to share their personal stories about allergies for anyone interested.

Some of these stories changed the course of our lives and by sharing them we certainly hope our experiences will resonate with others and help them along their own journey with allergies.